Sunday, March 9, 2014

Csit 120 - chapter 6

This week we learned about teamwork, teamwork is very important because we use it everyday even though we might not notice it . If you work at a job you are using teamwork because everyone you are working with is doing one thing and that is working together in order to get something accomplished but in order for that to happen you need everyone to do their job to be successful. you learn from others as well as them learning from you it is a great way to be more successful. Also this chapter tells us about groups when working together people tend to do better and get better grades let's say in college you become more creative and everyone pitches in some ideas to make one huge idea by mixing things up. Businesses now look at you and ask if you work well with others because it is a very important key to any job you have to be social and willing to work with others. Teamwork does have some bad sides such as stereotyping when people judge you because of how you look or because of your culture and don't let you show off your skills.  The book talked about the 6 c's , Communicate with your coworker, Circumvent; avoid or get around conflict in some way,  Confront or take action, Conform where in time when you have to "give in", Compromise in which both of you give a little of something from each other and lastly , Collaborate where you reach an agreement by finding common ground. so the point of the chapter really is that we have to be able to work as a team because if we don't we can't really be successful  everyone in a group has their job and we all have to do our job in order for the whole team to win in the end, listen to others and don't push people out of the way because of their thoughts or opinions on something.

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