Sunday, March 16, 2014

One thing i will remember- Communication

One thing that I will remember from this class is communication, we have learned that communication is a very important step in society we have to be able to communicate with others in order to be successful. In order to understand each other we have to learn other peoples cultures and beliefs to understand how they communicate and the reasons that they do it in a certain way even if it very different from the way we do it.                            
Leaders in a business have to be able to push through knowledge and ideas with workers if the leaders can’t clearly get a message across and motivate others to act on the ideas that he has then having the message doesn’t even matter. Business communication is very important employees must be able to communicate with each other effectively in order to get the job done the right way. In internal communication, there is a transfer of knowledge between two or more entities between the companies. On the other hand In external communication, the knowledge transfer is carried out between the company employees and outside entities, from other departments, other branches, and, in today’s global economy, from around the world.
Writing skills are also important in communication because you will receive letters, memos, emails and other forms of writing communication you must be able to write back and even read what is written. And speaking is important because members must be able to express ideas verbally in a way that will both clearly get points across and hold the interest of listeners. Additionally, members might be called upon to conduct presentations to management, existing customers, or prospective clients. Listening is important because you must be able to take in the information given and process it all in order to understand what you just heard and then acting upon it by responding and doing whatever you have to. Reading is important because you must be able to proofread your own information and details that you wrote or said to someone and then they do the job and ask you to proofread it and make sure that is exactly what was needed and the point being put across to them by you.
So I guess you could say communication is very important in society and in our businesses we must be able to communicate by reading, writing, speaking with others in order to keep a successful job and improving our own benefits to make our lives better and to keep a good relationship with others workers and the boss.

Internet Assignment

Experiences gained by these leaders have taught them many new things for example Martin Sheen when he saw the dump he said “ we will have to pay for this “ what he meant was the first world is going to pay for not taking care of the countries like Africa and other third world countries. We the people do not see how poor countries are living because we have everything here and we don’t care about how they are living and this is what Martin Sheen is explaining. Martin explains how if the USA was shown these living conditions they would care more and maybe try to help out .Martin was hit emotionally and spiritually and the whole experience brought out the good side which he will always remember making him a better person and a better leader he will always be there to help out because he experienced it first hand when he visited.
 Craig Kielburger was involved in human rights he has always stood up and when he was in school he asked other students to help him out he showed them newspapers. Craig wanted to stop child labor in these poverty filled countries with his friends he has spent over 7 years with his campaign to help stop child poverty and this will most likely make him a better leader he wants to help he doesn’t care about power he just wants to help others.
Simon Jackson has a big passion for the bears and wildlife in general ever since he was 13 he noticed it and wanted to help keep our wildlife save and clean. He is a great leader because he still devotes a lot of his time talking to our leaders with power to help save wildlife especially the bears because he cares about them, Simon was even awarded an award “Heroes for our planet”
Kerry Cuomo is all about human rights she wants to defend people she has traveled and started human rights movements in over 30 countries she is a successful leader just by doing that being able to get a large group of people together to stand up against something. She talks about heroes how they are all around us and she is true her examples included Nelson Mandela.
Jane Goodall has started roots and shoot all over the world she is a great leader by bringing the whole world together everyone who wishes to make the world a better place. The program has over 3,000 members all over the world at least 68 countries all because of her she pushed and pushed until she got the attention of all of these people all around the world.
Mary Gordon created roots of empathy for all of the child abuse that happens in the world and the crime her creative approach is now taught in over 400 classrooms in Canada reaching over 10,000 children she talks about how it reaches the children and the power of empathy itself how we all must be informed on certain subjects so we know what is really important.
Arun Gandhi has been teaching the principles of nonviolence he even has a institution in Memphis Tennessee to promote and apply the principles of nonviolence locally, nationally and globally to prevent violence and resolve personal and public conflicts through research, education and programming he is a great leader because of all of these things that he has done to show the principles of nonviolence.
Helen Samuels mentors groups that wish to transform society and tries to facilitate their vision  through mexcalibur which is the organization that she founded she unites them all for a common purpose such as community service in Mexico such as putting clay on cement walls so that the air for breathing is safer than the air that they are already breathing
All of these people are very skilled at being leaders and what shows their success is that people support them because they are doing something good for us by helping others and uniting the people to work together and make the world a better place all of the leaders have one goal and that is to unite the world for a better place.

Sunday, March 9, 2014

Csit 120 - chapter 6

This week we learned about teamwork, teamwork is very important because we use it everyday even though we might not notice it . If you work at a job you are using teamwork because everyone you are working with is doing one thing and that is working together in order to get something accomplished but in order for that to happen you need everyone to do their job to be successful. you learn from others as well as them learning from you it is a great way to be more successful. Also this chapter tells us about groups when working together people tend to do better and get better grades let's say in college you become more creative and everyone pitches in some ideas to make one huge idea by mixing things up. Businesses now look at you and ask if you work well with others because it is a very important key to any job you have to be social and willing to work with others. Teamwork does have some bad sides such as stereotyping when people judge you because of how you look or because of your culture and don't let you show off your skills.  The book talked about the 6 c's , Communicate with your coworker, Circumvent; avoid or get around conflict in some way,  Confront or take action, Conform where in time when you have to "give in", Compromise in which both of you give a little of something from each other and lastly , Collaborate where you reach an agreement by finding common ground. so the point of the chapter really is that we have to be able to work as a team because if we don't we can't really be successful  everyone in a group has their job and we all have to do our job in order for the whole team to win in the end, listen to others and don't push people out of the way because of their thoughts or opinions on something.

Sunday, March 2, 2014

Csit 120 chapter 5

This week we learned about communication in a diverse world, what i gained from this chapter is that we shouldn't judge people by their race, culture  ,gender etc . Everyone in this world is different and we need to adapt and learn from other people's beliefs in order for us to be better people and bring peace amongst everyone.In this chapter it brings up the barriers again which we learned about in the past chapters and it shows how even in communication we have barriers .The chapter also covered hot buttons with certain people things that you shouldn't do or say to others because it's kind of like discriminating or stereotyping .Don't make jokes because of someones race because it could hurt peoples feelings and they might not like the way you joke , don't use slang and learn to listen to others . In class many people had different thoughts about certain words that we use in our community some didn't really care that people say the words but others had a strong disagreement on the words and they had a whole different type of passion about it and got really upset . So in conclusion we can all agree that slang and stereotyping is bad and we need to learn how to communicate in a better way in order to be successful .

Sunday, February 23, 2014

CSIT120 blog 3

This week in class we talked about personal barriers that people have personal barriers and social barriers. Personal barriers are things that get in your way to keep you from being successful such as cultural problems/Racism. Social barriers are barriers that are external the actions of others not yours.We also talked about Limited Perception, Ethnocentrism, Stereotypes, Prejudice, Prejudice Plus Power and Discrimination which are all barriers that we need to overcome to be successful.Then we talked about stereotypes and how a college had statues in front of the building with whites,blacks and Asians with certain stereotypes and people felt offended by them.I thought it was a little bit of a problem but in reality it's nothing bad all 3 where successful the black student played sports the white played instruments and the Asians where smart had books all 3 are good but i guess the person who made them didn't look at it in a bad way either.I think that stereotypes are too hyped up and we shouldn't really pay attention to them it's just a "label ". On Thursday we watched a video of a lady Susan who wanted to be a singer she looked old and not fit to be a singer and the judges even looked at her weirdly the crowd made weird faces but when she started singing everyone was amazed and everyone liked her so don't judge a book by it's cover.What i learned at the end of the week is to not let others judge you and don't let things get in your way just because someone else thinks it's weird or doesn't agree with you we all have our own opinions and ways of doing things to become successful.

Image used from

Sunday, February 16, 2014

CSIT 120 Blog Two

This week we all looked at how the world is becoming flat by looking at different things in our society. Everyone was split up into groups and we had to pick five things that made the world flat such as Facebook,Twitter,Instagram,Xbox, and YouTube they all flatten the world for us. When we saw how people all over the world are actually able to use these sites and or game consoles and everyone can talk to each other across the world. People from Europe are able to play video games with someone who is in the United States through the Xbox 360 if they have the same video game. Which brings us together as people we make friends with strangers all over the globe. This assignment helped the whole class understand how the world is flat a little bit better then what we thought at the beginning of the semester.

Starting the second day our assignment was to interview two people about "what is diversity"
most of the people we interviewed had different answers on what diversity is and some didn't even have a clue. This shows that we really are different and everyone thinks differently but we all had one common answer it's our culture and the differences in the people.

This week has brought us together to see how social media is connecting everyone from all over the world and it just shows us what is possible with technology showing us what diversity means.

 Images used from :

Saturday, February 8, 2014

Diversity in a Technological Society the beginning.

Diversity in our society is seen as race and culture but, that is far from the truth as technology increases and is spread around the world people are seeing diversity in new ways.Technology is now all about digital immigrants and digital natives, people who have grown up with technology and those who didn't. People all around the world are getting closer and closer over the internet because of technology and all of our cultures and differences don't make a difference in the way we look at each other and how we do things. Digital immigrants however don't like this new technology being introduced to them by the newer generations which creates space between some people they don't want to change from the way things used to be in the past, which is know as the digital divide.Technology is increasing and is taking over we must learn to adapt to it and make the changes needed in order to keep up and survive in the technological war.

Problems that are caused is that some people are being left behind and won't "update" the way of living. Even though Technology was meant to bring us together in a way it also separates us as well. Digital natives who grow up with the technology now are used to the electronics and are being separated from the people in the 1900's which leaves a big gap between the younger generation and the older generation in our society. Kids are learning to adapt as soon as they are born they must go to college in order to get a degree and keep up with the updates in technology it is the only way to survive and stay at a job with a good pace. People can't use things the way they did back in the day now they need a diploma to show what they are skilled at and companies have to update now we have to update with the technology instead of sending things by mail some companies have to do everything electronically over the internet which is causing our postal services to run out of business less letter more emails."The U.S. Postal Service sparked uproar this month when it announced plans to stop delivering letters on Saturdays"NICK PERRY. We as the people have to adapt and come together and change in order to survive together in this period by taking in all of the technology.

PERRY, NICK. usnews. 26 february 2013. 8 february 2014 <>.

Norris Dickard, Diana Schneider. edutopia. n.d. 8 february 2014 <>.